Alliance Française Calgary - Courses
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Teens A1 - Beginner

Teens A1.1 Complete Beginner

Teens classes

This course is specifically designed for complete beginners who have no prior knowledge of the French language. In this course, students will learn the basics of French, including but not limited to:

  • Talking about French-speaking countries and recognizing French words.
  • Covering basics such as greetings, introductions, and classroom language.
  • Common verbs like "s'appeler" and "avoir," interrogative phrases, and formal/informal pronouns.
  • Phonetics: Learning the sounds [y], [u], [ɛ], and [Ø] among others.
  • The gender and number of nouns and the definite articles.

Material used: A la une 1, units 0, 1 & 2.

Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
Lycée International in Marda Loop
Saturday   11:15am ▸ 1:15pm
14 Sep 2024 ▸ 07 Dec 2024
Alliance Française @ cSPACE
Wednesday   4pm ▸ 6pm
25 Sep 2024 ▸ 27 Nov 2024

Teens A1.2 False Beginner

Teens classes

This course is specifically tailored for false beginners. Throughout the course, students will acquire fundamental skills in French, covering but not limited to:

  • Talking about countries, nationalities, and languages.
  • Using the verb "être" (to be) and prepositions to describe places.
  • Talking about personal tastes and expressing them with adjectives and "C'est" / "Il est".
  • Describing family members and their physical appearance.
  • Talking about clothing and people's character traits.

Material used: A la une 1, units 3 & 4.

Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)

Teens A1.3 Confident Beginner

Teens classes

This course is designed for confident beginners, with a focus on building fundamental skills in French. Throughout the course, students will cover a range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Talking about school, including places, friends, teachers, and schedules.
  • Discussing sports, extracurricular activities, and expressing frequency.
  • Talking about daily activities, hobbies, and going out.
  • Using reflexive verbs and expressing reactions.
  • Talking about personal preferences and describing people's physical appearance using adjectives. 

Material used: A La Une 1, units 5 & 6.

Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
Alliance Française @ cSPACE
Friday   6:15pm ▸ 8:15pm
13 Sep 2024 ▸ 06 Dec 2024

Teens A1.4 Strong Beginner

Teens classes

This course is designed for strong beginners, with a focus on building fundamental skills in French. Topics covered in this course will include a variety of subjects, not limited to:

  • Talking about the city and giving directions.
  • Shopping and making purchases.
  • Describing body parts, physical sensations, emotions, and stress management.
  • Using prepositions of location and means of transportation.
  • Understanding grammatical structures like imperative, interrogative, and infinitive phrases.

Material used: A la une 1, units 7 & 8.

Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
Alliance Française @ cSPACE
Wednesday   6:15pm ▸ 8:15pm
25 Sep 2024 ▸ 27 Nov 2024
Teens A2 - Elementary

Teens A2.1 Elementary

Teens classes

In this course, students will build on their basic French language skills and learn about various topics, including:

    • Talking about preparing food and cooking techniques
    • Discussing eating habits and nutrition
    • Comparing and contrasting different professions
    • Describing future plans using the futur proche tense
    • Using possessive pronouns and demonstrative adjectives to identify items on a shopping list

    Material used: A la une 2, units 1 & 2.

    Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
    Lycée International in Marda Loop
    Saturday   4:15pm ▸ 6:15pm
    14 Sep 2024 ▸ 07 Dec 2024

    Teens A2.3 Elementary

    Teens classes

    In this course, students will build on their basic French language skills and learn about various topics, including:

    • Describing and comparing objects: using adjectives and comparatives/superlatives.
    • Talking about social networks: discussing their features and usage.
    • Describing an apartment: using prepositions of place and talking about furniture.
    • Giving advice: using "il faut" (one must/should) and imperative mood.
    • Expressing prohibition: using "ne pas" (not) and "interdire de" (to prohibit from).

    Material used: A la une 2, units 5 & 6.

    Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)

    Teens A2.4 Elementary

    Teens classes

    In this course, students will build on their basic French language skills and learn about various topics, including:

      • Using the imperfect tense to describe past actions
      • Expressing opinions about different genres and types of movies.
      • Telling stories using appropriate time markers and narrative techniques.
      • Summarizing and recommending movies using direct and indirect object pronouns.
      • Advocating for social issues and creating awareness posters.

      Material used: A la une 2, units 7 & 8.

      Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
      Lycée International in Marda Loop
      Saturday   9am ▸ 11am
      14 Sep 2024 ▸ 07 Dec 2024
      Teens B1 - Intermediate

      DELF Junior B1 Preparation

      Exam Preparation

      This course is for learners preparing for the DELF Junior B1 exam, with an intermediate understanding of French seeking structured preparation. We will focus on:

      • Mastering past tenses: passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait
      • Emphasis Structures: Enhancing sentence clarity and impact
      • Oral Comprehension: Improving listening with authentic radio broadcasts
      • Written Production: Practicing formal and informal letters
      • Oral Exam Prep: Developing speaking skills with practice and mock interviews

      Enroll for the DELF Junior B1 exam through Alliance Française and get a 10% discount, reducing the cost to $202.50.

      Using Les Clés du DELF B1, this course ensures targeted practice and thorough preparation.

      Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)

      Teens B1.2 Intermediate

      Teens classes

      In this course, students will have the opportunity to expand and refine their language skills through various topics and grammar concepts, including but not limited to:

      • Discussing future housing, education, cities, and family relationships
      • Imagining life in the future and reflecting on the present
      • Talking about school experiences, teachers, and friendships
      • Practicing the simple future tense and using time markers to express future actions
      • Using hypothesis expressions, more/less constructions, and everyone/no one constructions in conversation.

      Material used: A la une 3, units 3 & 4.

      Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
      Lycée International in Marda Loop
      Saturday   11:15am ▸ 1:15pm
      14 Sep 2024 ▸ 07 Dec 2024
      Only 2 spots left!

      Teens B1.4 Independent

      Teens classes

      In this course, students will have the opportunity to expand and refine their language skills through various topics and grammar concepts, including but not limited to: 

      • Expressing your opinion and using exclamatory sentences to discuss music genres and instruments
      • Discussing your origins and cultural similarities using relative pronouns and possessive pronouns
      • Using the hypothesis structure "si + imparfait + conditionnel" to talk about possibilities and hypothetical situations.
      • Discussing the imparfait tense and its values in expressing ongoing actions, habitual actions, and background information in storytelling.

      Material used: A la une 3, units 7 & 8.

      Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
      Teens B2 - Advanced

      DELF Junior B2 Preparation

      Exam Preparation

      This course prepares learners for the DELF Junior B2 exam, especially those with advanced French skills needing structured preparation. We cover key components, including:

      • Mastering Complex Structures: Expressing cause, consequence, and goals
      • Indicative vs. Subjunctive: Correct usage
      • Oral Comprehension: Improving listening with authentic radio podcasts
      • Written Production: Practicing argument essays
      • Oral Exam Prep: Developing speaking skills and addressing problems

      Taking the DELF Junior B2 exam through Alliance Française offers a 10% discount, reducing the price from $245 to $220.50.

      Using Les Clés du DELF B2 material, this course ensures focused practice and thorough preparation. 

      Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
      Alliance Française @ cSPACE
      Monday   6:15pm ▸ 8:15pm
      16 Sep 2024 ▸ 09 Dec 2024

      Teens B2.2 Advanced

      Teens classes

      In this class, students will develop their language skills, including but not limited to:

      • Describe a hypothetical situation;
      • How to write a biography/portrait; 
      • How to properly construct and interpret an interview; 
      • Talk about scientifical discoveries.

      Material used: La Classe B2, unit 3.

      Pace: 20 hours or 17.5 hours for small groups (5-6 students)
      Alliance Française @ cSPACE
      Friday   6:15pm ▸ 8:15pm
      13 Sep 2024 ▸ 06 Dec 2024

      Order This Course

      $390.00 CAD

      Code: 2024SA Teens A204 SAT 9.00-11.00
      With a regular group of 7 or more students, there will be 10 classes of 2 hours each, totaling 20 instructional hours. However, with a smaller group of 5 or 6 students, there will be 10 classes of 1 hour 45 minutes each, totalling 17.5 instructional hours. Please note that a minimum of 5 students is required for the course to be offered.

      No classes on September 28th (Reconciliation Day week-end), October 12th (Thanksgiving week-end) and November 9th (Remembrance Day week-end).

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