Alliance Française Calgary - Lycee

The Lycée International

  • The Alliance Française is happy to offer children classes at the Lycée International de Calgary (formerly Lycée Louis Pasteur) at the following addres: 4099 Garrison Blvd SW, Calgary, AB T2T 6G2.

  • Please note that our classes are not taking place in the main building but in the east building next to the gymnasium. The entrance is along Garrison Boulevard (see adjacent picture).

  • The AFC rents the space from the Lycée and we are not part of its administration.  

  • To ensure the safety of the children and to make sure your child has the best learning to experience with us, we ask the parents to drop-off their child in the classroom where the Alliance Française’s teacher is present. In the same way, parents are to pick up their child from the classroom as the teacher will only release the students to a person explicitly authorized by the parents.

  • On the first day of class, you will find a poster in the entrance hall with the names of the students and the room where their class is taking place.

  • Do not hesitate to contact us at 403-245-5662 if you have any question.