Alliance Française Calgary - Workshop Survivalguide A1 A2

Survival Kit Workshop!

Unlock Your Francophone Adventure: Essential Tools for Survival!

Dreaming of exploring francophone lands? Join our 1-hour workshop. Learn basic structure in French, vocabulary, cultural tips, and boost your confidence. Bon voyage!
Alliance Française Calgary is excited to invite you to a special day dedicated to improving your French language proficiency—for free!

Join our community-focused initiative on April 6th from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. with one of our amazing expert teacher! This class serves as an ideal introduction for navigating your way through a Francophone country. From introductions to ordering at restaurants, or ask your path, learn essential survival skills for your trip.

This workshop is FREE and only reserved for AFC members. Please only register if you are sure to attend and if you have the specific level indicated. Attention! Spots limited!

April 6th

Adults - Level A1-A2
4:30 to 5:30 p.m.