Alliance Française Calgary - Zoom

Distance Learning

Zoom is a free, very easy conferencing software used for online classes. What do you need?

Your teacher will send you a link to join a “meeting” (don't forget to check the "spam" section of your inbox). On your first class, we recommend you join the meeting a few minutes early! When you click on the link, you’ll see this screen:

Option 1: Use  Zoom with your usual browser
(for occasional users)

1 - Click on "click here".

2 - Click on "join from your browser"

3 - Enter your name where you see "Your Name" and click on "Join"

4 -  You're now attending  your class! You're able to hear and see your teacher. Enjoy!

Option 2: Download  Zoom and use the software
(recommended for frequent users)

1 -  If the download of Zoom doesn't start automatically, you can click "download & run Zoom".

2 - Install the software on your computer.

3 -  When you open the software, you'll see a pop-up window (see below). Enter your name and click on "Join Meeting".

4 - You're now attending  your class! You're able to hear and see your teacher. Enjoy!

Enjoy your distance learning experience with Alliance Française Calgary!